
Academic term

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and a new semester dawns

this morning, i woke up at 7:30am. read that again. 7:30 A M. this was necessary, considering i had no classes registered when i woke up at 7:30. I got to the advising office at annenberg hall and there was a HUGE line out the door. and i mean huge. and mind you, this was at about 8:15 AM, and the office wasn’t seeing any students until 9. just a taste of the madness that is the start of a semester at temple.

because of my ipod, i was able to stay within the realm of sanity as i waited for about two hours. and i didn’t even sit down. people were sitting. a LOT of people were sitting. but not me. i’m hardcore, and i stand because i’m more prepared in case of a fire or other emergency drill. hard. fucking. core.

anyway, lady calls me in and we sit down, and i give her the low-down and she tells me what’s good, and we collab for a minute to pimp out my i-tinerary for the semester. i walk out five minutes later enrolled in two classes; international cinema study and intermediate computer graphics. bam.

and you know what the best part is? they’re both only once a week, and on the SAME DAY. so the only day i have to go to school is on thursday. i know, wycked, rite?

so i guess i’m looking forward to being part-time this semester, it should give me ample time to publish a webcomic and work on my drawing and stuff. i anticipate that i will also be seeking employment (part-time) to fill in the rest of the week so your boy stays busy.

so here’s to spring 2012, the semester that will eclipse all others. amen.

May 2024